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Proof before payment

Many individuals approach us seeking to hire a hacker without making an upfront payment. We understand that the requirement for upfront payment can cause apprehension or discomfort. Therefore, we offer the option to receive a proof before payment whenever feasible. However, we must also safeguard ourselves against unscrupulous clients who may place false orders or expect to receive services for free. As such, even when upfront payment is not required, there are still rules and conditions to follow, which we will outline on this page.

1 Whenever feasible

At Puxko we offer a diverse range of hacking services, each with its own specifics. We work diligently to provide the option of receiving a proof before payment whenever possible. However, there may be occasions when this option is not available.

To determine if this option is available for the service you’re interested in, please visit our homepage. There, you will find a list of all our available services. Click on the service you wish to hire, and you will be redirected to the "Service Contract" page. This page outlines all procedures and regulations for the service, including payment terms. If the option for receiving proof before payment is available, it will be indicated there.

2 Price differences

For services where the "proof before payment" option is available, a surcharge will be applied. This surcharge compensates for the risk we assume by accepting an order without prior payment and investing our time, work, and resources without a guaranteed commitment from the customer.

Clients also have the option to pay upfront. In this case, no surcharge will be applied, and the service will be less expensive. The choice between paying upfront or opting for proof before payment is entirely at the client's discretion.

Both pricing options — upfront payment and proof before payment — will be clearly stated in the Service Contract.

3 What does the proof consist of?

We offer a wide range of services, including obtaining email and social network passwords, hacking into cell phones, altering college grades, tracking and locating individuals, clearing debts, and many others. Due to the extensive and varied nature of our services, the proof we provide may vary depending on the specific service.

If you are interested in any of our hacking services and wish to learn more about the service and the proof offered before payment, please visit our homepage. There, you will find a comprehensive list of all our services. Select the service you are interested in, and you will be redirected to the Service Contract, which will provide detailed information, including the proof available for that service, if applicable.

4 Irrefutable

All proofs we provide for our hacking services share one key characteristic: they are absolutely irrefutable. Each proof can be validated by the client to confirm that no forgery or deception has occurred. Because these proofs can be verified and validated, we confidently assert their irrefutability. From a technical standpoint, it is impossible to invalidate them. While a client may have personal reasons to like or dislike the proof, they can never refute or invalidate it.

5 Alternative proof

The proof we provide for a specific service is fixed and cannot be altered. In other words, clients cannot request different or alternative forms of proof. If the proof we offer does not meet a customer's needs, they should refrain from placing an order.

Our strict policy regarding proof is designed to prevent any potential abuse or fraudulent use by customers. For example, if a customer orders a WhatsApp Monitoring service, we cannot disclose contacts or chat contents, as this might reveal the exact information the customer seeks, eliminating their incentive to complete the payment once they have already obtained what they were looking for. This principle applies to all our services.

Additionally, to guard third-party against scams, we must be cautious about providing a proof that could be forwarded by others as their own. We will elaborate further on this topic below, as it is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our services.

6 Proof forwarding scam

One of the most serious issues we face, which impacts both our interests and the security of third parties, is the forwarding of proofs. This deceptive practice is commonly used by scammers

The proof forwarding scam works as follows:

In this scenario, fake hackers exploit both clients and real hackers. They request services from legitimate hackers, and then use the proof to deceive their clients into believing they have completed the work. This results in a financial loss for the client, who ends up scammed, and a waste of time for the real hacker, who never receives payment for their work. Scammers pose a threat to both sides, making it essential for everyone to take precautions.

To prevent such situations, we ensure that no proof we provide can be forwarded. We always sign our proofs in a way that clearly identifies our website, Telegram username, or name, making it impossible for someone else to pass them off as their own.

7 Confidential information

The issue of private or confidential information is closely linked to the topic of proof forwarding, which we previously explained. Many clients, when requesting services such as retrieving a password from an email or social network account, or hacking into a cell phone, often ask us to reveal private or confidential information from the account or number in question. Unfortunately, we cannot comply with these requests.

Revealing private information is equivalent to providing a proof that could be forwarded, as fraudulent hackers could easily transmit this information to their clients to deceive them.

Furthermore, we are not always aware of what specific information a client is seeking in an account, cell phone, or system. By providing private or confidential details such as messages, contacts, or screenshots, we risk inadvertently giving the client what they were looking for without payment, rendering our services unnecessary.

The risks associated with delivering this type of information are significant for both you and us. Security is paramount and non-negotiable, with no exceptions under any circumstances. It is essential for every client to understand that while there are good and bad actors in this world, we must work together to protect our mutual interests by adhering to strict and secure practices to prevent malicious individuals from achieving their goals.

8 Acceptance

Our policies are designed to safeguard our time and prevent it from being wasted on tasks for individuals who lack the willingness or resources to pay, as well as to protect third parties from potential fraud. Our workflow is fully transparent and information-driven. With us, there are no hidden rules or fine print. Regardless of the hacking service a client is interested in, all the necessary information about that service will always be published on our website — step by step, from start to finish — available for everyone to see and read, as we have nothing to hide.

It is the responsibility of each client to thoroughly read the "Service Contract" for the service they wish to hire and ensure they agree with all aspects, including the proof we offer before payment, before placing an order.

To access the "Service Contract" for any service, please visit our homepage. There, you will find a comprehensive list of all our services. Select the service you are interested in, and you will be redirected to the service contract, which will provide detailed information, including the proof available for that service, if applicable.

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